Discover How To Maximize Your music Streaming Royalties In less than 1 hour!

...Even If You Currently Lack Music Industry Knowledge And Guidance

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"How Do I Make Money From My Music?"

"I don't understand how music publishing and song royalties work."

If you have ever asked yourself, or thought about, either of the statements above, then you're like most music creators today.

Making music is the fun part. In fact, it's like therapy. Right?

But, the BUSINESS of music is the part that gets neglected. And, without training and mentorship (or coaching), it can be confusing.

How many times have you produced/written/recorded a great song, only to lose steam because the process of "getting it out there" is challenging?

Or, have you released songs (or thought about releasing songs) on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon Music, etc., and didn't know how to collect the revenue that you earned?

Not to mention the fact that you aren't 100% sure of which royalties you should be collecting when your music streams

From: Samori Coles

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

From: Samori Coles

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

There Are 3 Things That You Have To Know To Make Money From Your Music Streams

The internet is noisy...

And, it is real easy to get caught up in all of the bright lights and shiny objects that you see on social media, as it relates to building a career in the music industry...

The bottom line is that you have to earn an income in order to turn a hobby into a full-time business.

When you see other famous and/or successful music creators on the internet, you're witnessing the fruits of their labor. If you try to emulate what you see, you'll never learn the critical actions that led to their success...

In addition, some of what you see online is all "smoke and mirrors"...

The truth is that there 3 things that you have to know to earn an income when your music streams on DSPs (Digital Service Providers), such as Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon Music, etc...

These 3 critical elements are:

  • Music Copyrights 
  • Music Publishing & Song Royalties
  • Music Distribution & CMOs (Collection Management Organizations)
More on these elements in a moment...

I know firsthand how it feels to have a passion for making music, but also suffer from a lack of knowledge about how to make a living in the industry.

Prior to making a career-changing discovery, I didn't have a clue about song royalties, copyrights, music publishing, split sheets, or any of the elements that a music creator, songwriter, or music producer must know to make money from their music.

In a moment, not only will I share the discovery...

I'll also share one of the experiences that was the last straw for me.

All that I'll say now is that after that situation, I knew that I could not continue to create music without having any direction as to where my music business/career was headed.

Once The Secrets Were Revealed To Me, I Couldn't Wait To Share The Knowledge With Others. Here's What Folks Have Said About My Training And Guidance:

The Synch License Deal That Never Was...

I mentioned a moment ago that there was one situation that changed everything for me...

One experience that was the last straw...

I knew that if I was going to have a career in the music business, I needed to become a more knowledgeable music creator, songwriter, music producer, and artist.

Specifically, I had to learn how to make money from my songs...

This is what happened...

A film company out of Boston came across one of my songs on the internet.

They really liked the song, and thought that it would be a good fit in their upcoming feature film...

When their email pinged my inbox, I wasn't sure what to do...

Their interest in my tune was cool, but this was a song that I was planning to release as a lead single on an upcoming album. In fact, it was the title track.

So, in my reply to the film company, I let them know that I would be willing to make another song for their movie; but they would not be able to use the tune that they were interested in...

What I did not know at the time was that this was an opportunity that would have afforded me a Synchronization License (or Synch License) deal, which would have allowed me to earn a decent amount of revenue because, 1) I owned the copyright in the song, and 2) I owned the sound recording copyright. 
What I did not know at the time was that this was an opportunity that would have afforded me a Synchronization License (or Synch License) deal, which would have allowed me to earn a decent amount of revenue because, 1) I owned the copyright in the song, and 2) I owned the sound recording copyright. 

I produced and recorded a brand new song, specifically for their movie. 

I heard back from the film company a couple of days after I emailed them the new song...

They weren't interested.

In fact, after I had turned them down for the song that they wanted, they found another artist to work with.

My lack of knowledge in the music business, and lack of confidence and trust in collaborating with other entities, kept me from realizing financial gain, and possibly a fruitful business relationship.

When I realized my blunder, I vowed that this would never happen again.

As a Music Creator, Songwriter, Music Producer, Record Label Owner, or Music Manager, You Have A Lot On Your Plate. 

Between your day job, working on your craft, and being productive in your art, it can be difficult to fully understand the business of music. 

And, without training, mentorship and guidance, it is nearly impossible to learn and understand the most important aspects of building a career in the music industry - specifically, those aspects that deal with making money.

As a Music Creator, Songwriter, Music Producer, Record Label Owner, or Music Manager, You Have A Lot On Your Plate. 

Between your day job, working on your craft, and being productive in your art, it can be difficult to fully understand the business of music. 

And, without training, mentorship and guidance, it is nearly impossible to learn and understand the most important aspects of building a career in the music industry - specifically, those aspects that deal with making money.

Throughout your journey in the music industry, you'll be presented with opportunities that are pivotal to your success...

The challenge is knowing the difference between real opportunities and time-wasters...

Now, don't get me wrong, there are many lessons learned when you make decisions that don't prove to be fruitful...

However, failing to take advantage of real opportunities can set you back years, and even decades (if you're not careful).

These opportunities typically fall into at least 1 of 3 categories:

  • Exposure To Valuable Knowledge & Information
  • Coaching & Mentorship
  • A Chance To Showcase or Exhibit Your Preparation and Talent

One Transformative Opportunity That Led To A Full-Time Career In The Music Industry

One Transformative Opportunity That Led To A Full-Time Career In The Music Industry

When Paul Talos wandered along South Street (in Philadelphia, PA) on his way to a local music store to pick up cables for his musical keyboard...

He had one thing on his mind...

Accomplishing his goal of making a living in the music industry.

Prior to that particular day, Paul had spent a number of years trying to figure out the secret to launching a successful and financially lucrative music business...

After spending a couple of years at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts...

Then, paying his dues at Sam Ash Music in New Haven, Connecticut...

He found himself on South Street in Philly, where everything was about to change.

As Paul listened to the counterpoint melodies of cars passing by, people's voices propagating through the air, and music wafting through speakers strategically placed outside of local businesses...

He was struck by a large, bright orange sign jutting out of the front of one of the buildings that he was approaching...

Was it real, or a figment of his imagination?

The sign said:

"Music Business School?", Paul wondered aloud.

While he was also interested in the other programs, it was the Music Business School that he knew could be a game-changer for him.

Paul walked down a short flight of steps, and knocked on the front door of this mysterious, yet intriguing music-based business.

I opened the front door, and greeted the young musician, and soon-to-be-entrepreneur, with a smile.

When he explained to me that his ultimate goal was to make a full-time living in the music industry, both he and I knew that was in the right place.

Paul had found HIS opportunity...

The training, coaching and mentorship that would transform the trajectory of his music career.

In Fact, It Would Be Better If You Heard About His Career Transformation From Paul, Himself...

Press Play On The Video Below...

By now, you know that I have had the opportunity to train, coach and mentor many music creators, songwriters, music producers, audio engineers, music managers, artists, and entrepreneurs, like yourself.

Paul is one of many of the folks that embraced the opportunity to be guided by an independent music industry veteran with more than 25 years of experience...  

That has learned from mistakes, struggled through frustrations...

And, realized decades of success...

While making a full-time living in the music industry since 2003.

What I discovered decades ago, transformed my independent music career in ways that I could not have imagined.

And, sharing the knowledge and information that was pivotal for me...

With music creators like you...

Is one of the most rewarding aspects of my journey.

In a moment, I'm going to give you an opportunity to transform your career...

But, first...

As promised, I want to share the discovery, and exact moment when the secrets were revealed to me...

How A Chance Meeting Turned A Starving Music Creator Into A Multi-Six Figure Music Business Entrepreneur

How A Chance Meeting Turned A Starving Music Creator Into A Multi-Six Figure Music Business Entrepreneur

As I mentioned earlier, missing out on the Synch License Deal was the straw that broke the camel's back.

It wasn't the first missed opportunity, or moment of frustration, that I have had in the music industry...

But, it was the one situation that made me realize that I needed to change something...

I had to learn about the business of music.

Around this time, I met a mercurial individual that people called, the "Professor", at a music industry networking event...

He was an interesting individual that was sometimes known for wearing a wizard hat in some of his social media posts... (true story)

I came to find out that the "Professor" had been involved in some pretty high-level artist, producer, and record label contracts in the music business.

I also learned that he mentored a small "mastermind" group of music creators and entrepreneurs...

His goal was to teach them the music industry secrets that were sometimes hidden from the majority; and especially independents...

I was intrigued...

So, I invited the "Professor" to my studio to facilitate a workshop on the most essential aspects of the music business that independent artists, producers, songwriters, entrepreneurs, music managers, studio owners, etc. needed to know.

He agreed...

And, I can't overstate the fact that my mind (like everyone else in attendance at the workshop) was blown...

By the time the "Professor" had wrapped up the workshop, he had shared information that many of us had never heard before.

When everyone had already left, and it was just the "Professor" and I at the studio, I inquired about his small group "mastermind" program...

He told me what it was all about...

Then, to my exuberant surprise...

He asked me to be a part of it!

And, as they say...

The rest is history.

And, I Continue To Share The Knowledge & Information That The Professor Imparted On Me...

Artist and Vocal Producer, "No Tmrrw", Completed One Of My Music Business Training Programs. Here's What He Has To Say...

Press Play On The Video Below...

It's been years since that chance meeting transformed my music career and business...

Over the years that have followed, I have applied the knowledge that the "Professor" bestowed upon me and the small "mastermind" group that he coached and mentored...

The industry continues to evolve, but the majority of the secrets are still applicable today...

And, where there have been changes in the music business...

I have researched, experimented, practiced, and discovered new strategies that foster growth and success in today's music industry...

Specifically, as it relates to music streaming royalties.

I took several years to document, train others, test, and build curriculum around all that I have been taught, and experienced, in the music industry. 

The most popular topic that my students and mentees ask about is how to make money from their music...

All of this has led up to what I am about to share with you...



Music Publishing - How To Maximize Your Streaming Royalties


Music Publishing - How To Maximize Your Streaming Royalties

In this brand new training, which you'll be able to complete in less than 1 hour, you'll learn the 6 types of music royalties that you could be missing out on if you are already (or plan on) releasing your music on streaming platforms, such as Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon Music, Pandora, etc...

You'll also solidify your knowledge of music publishing, which generates nearly $5 billion per year for music creators and songwriters like you...

Here's a fraction of what's included in this premier training program:
  • The 2 types of music copyrights that you need to know about so that you can claim 100% of your royalties

  • The facts about music publishing and how to ensure that yours is set up properly

  • The fair way to approach the business of collaborating with other music creators

  • How to optimize your leverage when opportunities for sharing or placing your music arise

  • Your core rights as a copyright owner

  • The types of publishing deals that exist for music creators, songwriters and music producers

  • And, much more...

Regular Price


Today Only!


 86% Discount!!!

The True Value Of Any Training And/Or Coaching Program Will Always Be Based On The Success Of Those Who Experience Transformation

See What Others Say About Samori's Training, Coaching and Mentorship:


“Not only did I receive most of my audio technology and music business knowledge under the teachings of Sensei, as I often call Samori in reference to his music and audio mastery; he has also turned me into an aspiring educator with goals to give back the knowledge I've received, as well as further my career in audio technology.”

- Mike Moore The Producer

Music Producer, Audio Engineer, Studio Executive


“Not only did I receive most of my audio technology and music business knowledge under the teachings of Sensei, as I often call Samori in reference to his music and audio mastery; he has also turned me into an aspiring educator with goals to give back the knowledge I've received, as well as further my career in audio technology.”

- Mike Moore The Producer

Music Producer, Audio Engineer, Studio Executive


“Working with Samori was instrumental to my developing my confidence as a producer and artist. I’m glad I met [him] when I did. I feel empowered now to be truly be creative.”

- Felicia “Friishay” Ricci

Recording Artist, Renowned Voice Coach


“Working with Samori was instrumental to my developing my confidence as a producer and artist. I’m glad I met [him] when I did. I feel empowered now to be truly be creative.”

- Felicia “Friishay” Ricci

Recording Artist, Renowned Voice Coach


“Samori has taught me so much about taking everything that he's taught me, and really being confident about what I do. I really feel like the sky is the limit.”

- Alexa Gold

Singer-Songwriter, Music Producer, Audio Engineer


“Samori has taught me so much about taking everything that he's taught me, and really being confident about what I do. I really feel like the sky is the limit.”

- Alexa Gold

Singer-Songwriter, Music Producer, Audio Engineer


“The program gave me strategies and steps for setting up my business in a more efficient way. Since completing the program, my business has grown and become more profitable.”

- Matt Bar

Founder and Executive of Bible Raps


“The program gave me strategies and steps for setting up my business in a more efficient way. Since completing the program, my business has grown and become more profitable.”

- Matt Bar

Founder and Executive of Bible Raps

What To Do Next:

The price of "Music Publishing: How To Maximize Your Streaming Royalties" is just $97 for the complete course. 

That's an 86% discount off of the regular price of $697.

As soon as you place your order, you'll be instantly enrolled in this comprehensive course that will give you all of the information that you need on streaming royalties, music publishing, and more.

Your enrollment link will be emailed to you, and you can get started right away.

In less than 1 hour, you'll be armed with knowledge and skills that have previously been kept a secret from independent music creators, like yourself.

And, in case you're wondering...

Why Only $97?

What's The Catch?


There is NO CATCH.

There are no hidden subscriptions, memberships, etc.

None of that...

My mission is to share all of the knowledge, information and experience that has allowed me to have more than 25 years of success as an independent music entrepreneur, songwriter, artist, music creator, producer, audio engineer, and coach...

I am truly blessed...

And, it is my time to pay it forward.

My hope is that you'll love the training and be blown away by what you learn, and the impact that is has on your career and music business. And, this will become the start of a long and prosperous business relationship between us.

With that said...

This Is A Limited Time Offer

This offer and price is currently available as a market test.

So I don't know how long it will be available.

It may be for months, weeks, or days. I don't really know.

As soon as the program fills up, and/or advertising prices get too high, I'll begin selling the program at its regular price ($697).

So, yes, this is a real limited time offer.

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you're like me, you come across a lot of offers for courses and training programs. And, I understand that it's hard to know what is worthwhile, and what is a waste of time and money.

So, here's the deal:

If, within 30 days, you decide that you don't learn anything from this program, I'll return your $97.

It doesn't get any easier than that, right?

This is absolutely a no brainer.

Purchase The Course Now

While The Offer Is Still Available



Which Is Packed With All Of The Knowledge & Information That You Need To Ensure That You Are Fully Maximizing and Collecting All Of The Royalties That You Are Due When Your Music Streams On Platforms, Such As Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon Music, etc.

Plus, Training On...

  • The 2 types of music copyrights that you need to know about so that you can claim 100% of your royalties

  • The facts about music publishing and how to ensure that yours is set up properly

  • The fair way to approach the business of collaborating with other music creators

  • ​How to optimize your leverage when opportunities for sharing or placing your music arise

  • ​Your core rights as a copyright owner

  • ​The types of publishing deals that exist for music creators, songwriters and music producers

  • ​And, much more...

On Demand

Access course content at your convenience. Whether you want to consume it all in one sitting, or over a period of time, you'll still get all of the benefits of the program.

 Free Resources

Upon registering for this course, you'll be able to download your very own collaboration agreement, split sheet, and more. Now, you'll have confidence when making music with others. 

Make Money

One of your primary goals is to make music for a living. The only way to do that is to make money from your product(s) and/or service(s). Finally, learn how to maximize your music revenue.

You may not realize it, yet. But, in the next few minutes you're going to take your music career and business to another level.

As you complete the training, you'll realize that you will no longer have to rely on misinformation and confusion as it relates to making money from your music.

And, by the time you finish the course, you'll be the expert in your own circles, educating those around you on music streaming royalties, copyrights, music publishing, and so much more.

You're going to love it.

Samori Coles

P.S. One more point. It's important:

A few months from today, you could still be struggling to figure out music publishing, song royalties, copyrights, and how to make money from you music.

Your music career and business can stay exactly where it's at...

Or, you could be the one that everyone is talking about. The music creator who is knowledgeable about the business, and making daily progress toward making a living in the music industry.

FACT: The choice is yours.

What is it worth to you to end the frustration and endless cycle of creating new songs, but not elevating your career and business?

The course is only $97 today. That's an 86% discount!

There's no catch, and no fine print.

You'll absolutely love and benefit from the program, or I'll give you a 30-day money back guarantee.



Samori Coles’ personal mission is:

"To teach digital music creation and entrepreneurship to those who are serious about building their careers and businesses in the music industry.”

There are so many people that have a passion to create music and make a living doing what they love.

Samori sees his role as being a coach and resource for those that want to...

Samori Coles’ personal mission is:

“To teach digital music creation and entrepreneurship to those who are serious about building their careers and businesses in the music industry.”

There are so many people that have a passion to create music and make a living doing what they love.

Samori sees his role as being a coach and resource for those that want to expand their knowledge and abilities in music production, audio engineering and music entrepreneurship.

A serial entrepreneur, early on he embarked on a successful freelance venture that took him into classrooms, community centers, libraries and nonprofit organizations training students from pre-K to high school to create music utilizing digital technologies.

Along the way, Samori built Lil’ Drummaboy Recordings, a full service recording and production company that offers classes in Audio Engineering, Music Production and the Music Business.

Samori’s students have been nominated for Grammy awards, worked with major recording artists, opened their own studios, embarked on careers in audio engineering, music production and so much more.

Samori Coles has developed systems that help others quickly learn the fundamentals of audio engineering, music production, music theory, and music entrepreneurship using a simplified approach.

Home Studio Tutor is Samori's online brand that is built to coach & train students and clients around the world to understand the Hows, Whats and Whys of the craft so that they can develop the skills that will help them achieve their unique career and business goals.

expand their knowledge and abilities in music production, audio engineering and music entrepreneurship. 

A serial entrepreneur, early on he embarked on a successful freelance venture that took him into classrooms, community centers, libraries and nonprofit organizations training students from pre-K to high school to create music utilizing digital technologies. 

Along the way, Samori built Lil’ Drummaboy Recordings, a full service recording and production company that offers classes in Audio Engineering, Music Production and the Music Business. Samori’s students have been nominated for Grammy awards, worked with major recording artists, opened their own studios, embarked on careers in audio engineering, music production and so much more.

Samori Coles has developed systems that help others quickly learn the fundamentals of audio engineering, music production, music theory, and music entrepreneurship using a simplified approach. Home Studio Tutor is Samori's online brand that is built to coach & train students and clients around the world to understand the Hows, Whats and Whys of the craft so that they can develop the skills that will help them achieve their unique career and business goals.

Copyright © 2024 Home Studio Tutor, LLC. | All Rights Reserved